34th Northwest Ohio Safety and Health Day

May 14, 2025

Guest Registration

This year’s Safety and Health day will be held at Owens Community College – Center for Fine and Performing Arts 7270 Biniker Rd., Perrysburg, OH 43551

34th Northwest Ohio Safety and Health Day

May 14, 2025

Guest Registration

This year’s Safety and Health day will be held at Owens Community College – Center for Fine and Performing Arts 7270 Biniker Rd., Perrysburg, OH 43551
This one-day seminar provides safety and health-related information to hundreds of participants from companies throughout Northwest Ohio. Participants include company safety directors, human resource managers and business owners as well as workers interested in safety and health issues. The Safety Council of NW Ohio, OSHA and Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation all promote attendance to their members and clients along with hundreds of local businesses which makes for a large attendance draw.

Each year there are tracks in areas of construction, health care, general industry, industrial hygiene, human resources, wellness, OSHA/BWC and general topics. Additionally, sponsor and vendor booth displays will be available throughout the day allowing for multiple spotlights of new and hot items of interest for attendees to see and touch or simply promoting a business and services.

Safety & Health Day is FREE to participants due to the generosity of our sponsors and vendors and the Committee works very hard to maintain a FREE status! You and your company can help us make sure that continues.

The 30th Annual Northwest Ohio Safety and Health Day will be held in May and our mission is to always keep the day free for attendees. One way that this happens is through our Sponsors and Vendors along with countless Volunteers. This year, I am responsible for securing Sponsors for the Northwest Ohio Safety and Health Day and I thought of you. Would you and your company be interested in Sponsoring for Safety Day? Here is some additional information for you, I hope to hear back from you.

This one-day seminar provides safety and health-related information to hundreds of participants from companies throughout Northwest Ohio. Participants include company safety directors, human resource managers and business owners as well as workers interested in safety and health issues. The Safety Council of NW Ohio, OSHA and Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation all promote attendance to their members and clients along with hundreds of local businesses which makes for a large attendance draw.

Each year there are tracks in areas of construction, health care, general industry, industrial hygiene, human resources, wellness, OSHA/BWC and general topics. Additionally, sponsor and vendor booth displays will be available throughout the day allowing for multiple spotlights of new and hot items of interest for attendees to see and touch or simply promoting a business and services.

There are many options for company sponsorship of which are outlined below.

Safety & Health Day is FREE to participants due to the generosity of our sponsors and vendors and the Committee works very hard to maintain a FREE status! You and your company can help us make sure that continues.

This year’s Safety and Health day will be held at Owens Community College – Center for Fine and Performing Arts 7270 Biniker Rd., Perrysburg, OH 43551

This year’s Safety and Health day will be held at Owens Community College – Center for Fine and Performing Arts 7270 Biniker Rd., Perrysburg, OH 43551

Pre-registration Coming Soon